Derbyshire Dales District Council is considering future housing needs in its Local Plan. Key factors considered in the Local Plan Review are the types of location for additional housing – both open market and affordable.
This consultation provides an opportunity to comment on the shape of the future growth that can be accommodated.
Through its Corporate Plans and Strategies, the District Council has committed to meet its future housing needs and to seek to provide quality employment opportunities.
Whatever level of future housing growth is identified across the District Council, it will deliver a range of economic and social benefits. It is important, however, to ensure that a balance is achieved between the level of growth and any environmental impacts. Considering these priorities, three possible future growth scenarios have been identified as a means of achieving these objectives – Baseline, Recovery and Higher Growth.
The District Council has already identified the potential to deliver 5995 dwellings over the Local Plan period (up to 2040). The Growth Scenarios illustrated below set out how many additional homes would be provided under each scenario.
The chosen Growth Scenario should enable the District Council to grow economically and recover from the impacts of Covid–19, whilst safeguarding the environment. Development should be strategically planned to respond to local context and need, whilst protecting the landscape character, biodiversity, and flood resilience of the district, amongst other environmental priorities.
The Local Plan only applies to the area outside of the National Park. However, the future housing needs for the District Council includes the area within the National Park, so must accommodate its own housing needs together with a large amount of those in the National Park.
This consultation offers an opportunity to comment on this requirement.
Your comments on the future growth options are important to the District Council and will help shape the future direction of the Local Plan. Please let the District Council have your comments by completing a survey.
The survey will close at 5pm on 22nd December 2022.
Please complete the survey here: Derbyshire Dales Future Growth Consultation Survey
Please find below print-friendly downloads of the consultation material and survey.