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TOD Masterplan Naya Raipur


Location Client Size Completion
Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India Naya Raipur Development Authority 808 Acres 2014 - Masterplan completed

Project details

We were commissioned by Naya Raipur Development Authority to develop detailed masterplans for three new residential sectors with a total area of 800 acres. These form the first arrival point from the airport towards the city, with a BRT route running along them, creating an opportunity to develop a transit oriented high density mixed use development (TOD) along the rapid bus stops. A number of existing natural features on site have been retained and the plan is a mix of a high density development serving the BRT route with a number of mixed use functions, pedestrian routes and activities, with a mid to lower density of residential uses at the northern and eastern edges.

There is an existing village which has been well integrated with the proposed development in terms of the movement network and the sharing of amenities. An iconic gateway, which forms the entrance to the city, comprises a series of steel spheres woven with silk placed over a green landscaped podium. A pedestrian boulevard originates from the gateway and connects the prominent open spaces and natural features as well as the amenities for all the sectors. The pPedestrian boulevard ends at the ‘visual corridor’, a city level promenade that links visually and physically to the Capitol building. The sectors have been masterplanned to be completely pedestrian and cycle friendly.


  • to create a Lake and Park District which retains and celebrates the various existing natural features like lakes, natural water streams and woodlands within the masterplan, thereby creating public recreation zones for the residents of the area


  • the sectors have been masterplanned to be completely pedestrian and cycle friendly with pedestrian and cycling boulevards running parallel to the primary roads, creating a realm of pedestrian activity and interaction free from traffic
  • amenities like primary schools, healthcare centres and local shopping centres are well distributed in each sector so that the residents can use them without having to walk for more than two minutes

Integrated services

masterplanning, urban design, landscape architecture