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Coevorden, Historic Centre

Project details

The historic context of the town is the inspiration for the vision developed for Coevorden, and the historic centre is the focus of the project. Three themes are repeated in all elements of the design: water, history and ’cosiness’. The 20-point action plan will be implemented in stages, to deliver a contemporary, sustainable design for the town centre. The key projects include the design of a new town hall, enlargement of the harbour, improvement of the railway station area and restructuring of the old industrial area of Holwert.
The old citadel structure will be partly recreated, making this form an instantly recognisable landmark of Coevorden. The new developments will be connected to the routes along the historic moats. Another key proposal is the design for a new harbour surrounded by buildings. The layout of the public space along the moats around the town centre as well as the harbour serves to bind the new and old developments together, creating a pleasant and integrated design. Three bastions are proposed along the newly laid moats, creating a strong visual impression.

What is remarkable about this project is the extensive coordination and communication between residents, interested parties and community interest groups. In the initial phases this demanded a lot of time, but resulted in a broad consensus among the citizens of Coevorden. As a result, the vision for Coevorden was unanimously accepted by all the interest groups and the City Council.