A Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for the North Huyton Action Area has recently been adopted by Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council. The document, prepared in partnership with BDP's Liverpool office, provides an overarching strategy and detailed development guide for the North Huyton New Deal New Future (NHNDNF) area, which defines the Action Area boundary. It is one of the first documents to be adopted that will support the evolving Local Development Framework for the Borough.
The vision for the Action Area is to create a viable and sustainable suburban neighbourhood, delivered primarily by the comprehensive development, redevelopment and improvement of the housing stock and supported by improvements to essential community facilities, services and infrastructure.
Principles defined within the SPD will guide development proposals across North Huyton's six neighbourhoods, responding to the main structural interventions set out in the North Huyton Outline Plan and how these can be realised through appropriate design.
The North Huyton Outline Plan, prepared by NHNDNF in partnership with the Revive Consortium, includes the provision of 1,450 new homes, a new local community centre, refurbishment and extensions of existing community buildings, new education facilities and significant areas of new and improved landscape corridors and open space. Planning permission for phase 1 was granted in November 2006.