When: 16th October - 17th October
Where: Royal College of Physicians, 11 St Andrews Place, Regent's Park, London, NW1 4LE
Andrew Tindsley, chair of landscape design, will present at this year’s Healthy City Design International conference at 16.00 on the first day. Urban populations are growing at an unprecedented rate with an ageing society, rising obesity and chronic conditions, and the urgent need to respond to climate change presenting a powerful case for new thinking on how to design more sustainable, resilient cities that enhance health, wellbeing and social inclusion. Andrew will speak on Healthy Landscapes, Healthy Communities and the importance of integrating health with ecology and economy, focusing on some of the projects he and his team have completed in both the UK and internationally. He will talk about the importance of involving the local community in designs for more liveable streets and giving them direct access to water, nature and spaces for exercise as well as quiet areas for relaxation.
Organised by SALUS Global Knowledge Exchange in collaboration with Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design, Royal College of Art, the conference seeks to share and stimulate new research, innovative practice and progressive policy ideas on how to design sustainable cities that enhance citizen health and wellbeing.