When: 9th-14th February 18.00 - 23.00
Where: Trinity Hall, Garrett Hostel Bridge, Trinity Lane, Cambridge CB2 1TJ
BDP is a sponsor of this year’s e-Luminate Cambridge and lighting director Colin Ball and his team have designed an interactive installation at Trinity Hall. Entitled Women Writing History it has been created to mark the 40th anniversary since the admission of female students and Fellows to the college and is a collaboration with Tryka L.E.D, Pharos lighting control solutions and Design Intent International. Each evening during the festival a series of LED lights will shine onto the river Cam from the college terrace, using lighting as a tool to engage people in an imaginative exercise about the remembrance of women’s role in writing history during the week marking the centenary of women’s suffrage. The animation is a series of waves and the light effect can be changed by tweeting to @restore2history with the appropriate hashtag #male #female #nonbinary or by using the links below.
I identify most closely with male
I identify most closely with female
I identify most closely with nonbinary
Colin explains: “Our experience with light installations is that red and blue light stand out the most in the dark. The debate surrounding the link between gender and these colours, and how this has changed over the centuries is interesting. Sociologists and historians do not agree on the origins of the pairings and scientists debate if men and women perceive colour differently.”
On Saturday 10th Colin will join a line-up of speakers for Cambridge Colour Talk to discuss what colour means and its effect on people. He will join physicist Helen Czerski, art historian Dr James Fox, author Spike Bucklow and artist David Batchelor at 19.00 in Cambridge Union and tickets for the event can be booked here