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New Sheerwater masterplan revealed

Plans to transform a post-war housing estate in Woking into a vibrant, sustainable community have been revealed. The proposals will regenerate Sheerwater, a largely deprived suburb, into a balanced neighbourhood that meets the housing and future needs of local residents. The plans have been put forward by Thameswey Developments Ltd, as developer, on behalf of Woking Borough Council.

Mark Rolt, chief operating officer at Thameswey Developments Ltd explained: “The vision for Sheerwater is to create a desirable, attractive and highly sustainable place to live and work. A place that, through high quality design and community facilities, will reduce existing levels of deprivation and where the community can thrive into the future. The aim is to promote healthier lifestyles and create a lively neighbourhood with a real buzz.”

The masterplan will see the existing number of homes on the 30ha site double to 1200, nearly half of which will be affordable, complete with community facilities, public parkland and gardens.

Architect Chris Kenny said: “We needed to increase the number of homes but also wanted to maximise the public spaces. Surrey has high levels of car ownership so we have created car parks with gardens above them and moved the roads to the perimeter of the neighbourhood.”

Our interdisciplinary team has been appointed to deliver the site wide masterplan, landscape design and the architecture of the medium rise area of the site which comprises apartments, houses, community facilities and shops.
