Location | Client | Completion |
Blackpool, UK | Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust | to be completed 2014 |
BDP were commissioned by Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust to coordinate and manage the planning process to assist the Trust in delivering a new mental health inpatient hospital on a site in Blackpool.
BDP submitted a dual outline planning application for the scheme to both Blackpool Council and Fylde Borough Council, following extensive pre-application discussions with planning and highways officers from both authorities and the local community. Following the grant of outline consent by both authorities in June 2010, BDP Planning managed and coordinated the submission of the reserved matters application, which was approved early 2012.
BDP provided a key role in terms of the coordination of the design team, organisation and management of the consultation events and coordination and management of the supporting sub consultants. BDP were also proactive in monitoring and responding to comments and objections received during the statutory consultation period.
In parallel to the outline planning application, BDP submitted a standalone full planning application to gain approval for a package of enabling engineering works that needed to be undertaken on site ahead of the main construction works. Following the Trust’s need to explore a different strategy for the required ground modelling works, BDP coordinated the submission of a revised enabling works planning application, which was granted consent in January 2012.
BDP are now involved in the coordination of information required to discharge the conditions attached to the various planning consents and continue to have an integral role in terms of providing specific planning advice to the Trust and their development partner.