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Project details
The new station Square in Zutphen is, besides a new design for a public square, also a new concept for storing bicycles in the vicinity of Stations. Part of the programme was to include parking space for 3000 bicycles on the Station Square. If the bicycle storage was placed on the square itself, as usually is done in The Netherlands, then the whole Square would have been filled with bicycles. BDP.khandekar, however, decided to place the bicycle storage under the square, and to plant the roof of the storage with hedges and flowers, bringing back the historic green setting of the station square. The roof of the bicycle storage is slightly higher than the square itself, so it can double up as seating for passengers waiting for their train. With this simple intervention, Zutphen has gained a representative Station Square for their city.
In the design the square has a slightly curved form (almost like an amphitheatre) and a broad accented axis leading the cycles to their underground shelter and the pedestrians to the railway station. Rows of trees on either side of the square give this central element in the composition a clear spatial definition; while the two subsidiary spaces thus created house the taxi and "kiss and ride" accommodation on the one side and the bus station on the other. The whole square is paved with red clay clinkers. By raising the planting areas and framing them in broad granite, which doubles up as seating, enough space is created for people who need to wait for some time on the Station Square.