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University Health Network Accessibility Audit

Toronto, Canada
Inclusive Design

Our inclusive design consultancy, Human Space, provided a systematic review of the existing conditions for accessibility through the University Health Network (“UHN”) Wide IFMP.

University Health Network Accessibility Audit
University Health Network Accessibility Audit

Our inclusive design consultancy, Human Space, provided a systematic review of the existing conditions for accessibility through the University Health Network (“UHN”) Wide IFMP. The goal of the multi-site audit covering 557,000 sqm of UHN-owned properties and leased space was part of a capital asset assessment undertaken by the organization to plan for operational efficiencies.

Major sites assessed included the Toronto General Hospital, Toronto Western Hospital, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre and the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute’s group of facilities. Our scope of work encompassed an assessment of public circulation space and access into hospital departments.

The audits reviewed the sites’ existing conditions against current requirements within the Ontario Building Code, the AODA’s Design of Public Spaces Standard and select best practices for accessibility. Sites were strategically divided into multiple portfolios to allow for multiple facility audits to occur simultaneously within a fast paced six-month timeline.

The project and auditor lead implemented a series of quality control processes to ensure an efficient workflow while ensuring consistent and accurate reporting amongst the auditor team. Thousands of observations were itemized as data points supporting our inclusive design consultancy, Human Space’s analysis and summary of findings and recommendations for each site. The team’s analysis and recommendations will support UHN’s executive team with their long-term facility planning.