We take a strategic, multidisciplinary approach to decarbonisation, focusing on both operational and embodied carbon. From the very start, we work closely with clients to develop low-carbon design briefs, using cutting-edge tools to reduce emissions across the entire lifecycle of a building. Our team takes a leading role in designing whole life net zero carbon buildings, partnering with organisations like the UK Green Building Council and the Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers.
Whether it’s a single building or an entire estate, we provide clear pathways to reduce and offset residual carbon emissions, helping businesses and communities transition towards a more sustainable future.
Decarbonisation highlights
Wren Urban Nest
Tucked into a quiet enclave of the bustling city centre, this small but clever hotel boasts compact, cosy rooms.
The Good City: Achieving zero carbon
Cities house 56% of people but emit 70% of CO2. Good Cities must decarbonise, retrofit, and adopt smart energy systems.
Thought leadership, insights and ideas.
Let’s Decarbonise
Our campus framework explores the interconnected layers that deliver a route to Net Zero Carbon.
Decarbonising existing offices
A free guide that can be used to identify opportunities to achieve energy savings in existing offices, without requiring significant investment.
The SciTech retrofit revolution
A holistic to carbon reduction in laboratories and research facilities.
Low Carbon Now
WorldGBC aims for net-zero operational and 40% less embodied carbon by 2030. How can we act now?
Green buildings, grey people
Designers are slowly moving the construction industry towards a more sustainable future.
What next for the future of housing design?
Adam Darby shares his thoughts on the design approaches that will shape the future of housing delivery.
Every design tells a story.

Next Generation Infrastructure Programme
Embedding decarbonisation into a holistic approach to campus development, will accelerate the reduction in whole-life carbon whilst supporting growth in teaching, research and innovation and enhance a campus’s sense of place. Our team of multidisciplinary designers has developed a holistic strategy which explores interconnected campus layers; a framework that is agile, phased and deliverable; an approach that delivers a route to Net Zero Carbon, supports business needs whilst creating distinctive and enjoyable campus environments for all. Providing the right quantity, quality and variety of spaces will create an effective place that facilitates growth in world class teaching, learning, and research.

Our sustainability specialists have extensive experience in working collaboratively with architects, building services, structural and civil engineers, and cost consultants to lead on strategic approaches to designing net zero carbon buildings. We facilitate engagement with key stakeholders to develop a low carbon brief and, through the application of industry leading design tools, we are able to minimise whole life (operational and embodied) carbon and have the technical and regulatory expertise to advise clients on the most effective pathways to offsetting any residual carbon emissions.
We develop and design regenerative, climate positive, high quality and inspiring buildings with whole life thinking approach, considering carbon, impact and cost.
To establish a comprehensive energy and infrastructure strategy, we assist our clients with:
- Conducting a thorough baseline assessment of current energy and infrastructure systems.
- A techno-economic appraisal of the various options, including offsite and onsite generation, distribution, and potential green energy sources to help inform decision-making.
- A phased costed plan for delivery outlining financial requirements and timelines for implementation.
- Design information for early phases and align these to funding call opportunities.
- Aligning energy and infrastructure projects with our client's estate roadmap.
- Creating governance structures to ensure accountability and oversight.
- An offsetting strategy that will allow for the mitigation of unavoidable carbon emissions.
By addressing these components cohesively, you can develop and implement a robust energy and infrastructure strategy that supports sustainability goals and enhances overall operations.

The far-reaching benefits of greening our cities are becoming much more widely understood with planning policies evolving in response. Cities are waking up to the crucial role ‘green infrastructure’ can play in mitigating against temperature increase, water, air and soil pollution, drought, flooding and sea level rise, as well as improving quality of life. Rain gardens and sponge parks slow down or soak up the rain; street trees and green roofs improve air quality and provide important cooling effects; whilst the amplification of existing ‘green corridors’ in a city support biodiversity and have a positive impact on people’s wellbeing.
We are the original multidisciplinary house of design.

Further Reading
Nature-based solutions
Nature belongs in cities. Our nature-based solutions aim to create urban spaces that are both environmentally resilient and rich in biodiversity.
Adaptive reuse
Reinventing and repurposing our existing buildings is essential to creating a more sustainable future.