Design in practice
Our sensitive approach to conservation and adaptation reinforces the values we place on our past, present and future - ensuring we deliver imaginative and far-reaching projects for our clients.
WaterSHED at Wardle Academy
The sports hall redevelopment project at Wardle Academy is an exciting transformation of a previously unused space into a vibrant hub for education.
60–80 Atlantic Avenue
60 and 80 Atlantic are interconnected office buildings situated in a rapidly transforming historic area in Toronto Liberty Village.
Weir Mill
The Weir Mill project in Stockport is breathing new life into a historic site, transforming the former cotton mill into a mixed-use community.
Lancaster Castle
As part of a major repairs programme to bring Lancaster Castle back into public use, seven buildings have been brought back to life.
64 Victoria
Refurbishment of a 22 storey office tower constructed in the 1960s, which is where Westminster City Council headquarters is based.
York Castle Gateway Masterplan
The mixed use Castle Gateway Masterplan transforms the area.
Old Admiralty Building
The refurbishment and the creative adaptation of the Grade II listed Old Admiralty Building.
Stereo D
Stereo D is a 3D conversion studio with open workspaces that need to be nearly dark to facilitate rendering.
Entopia Building, CISL
A world first for a retrofitted sustainable office, setting new standards for low energy use, carbon emissions and impact on natural resources.